Techniques of Color Therapy
There are certain methods how implement color therapy. Some are easy and can be done by you at home, while some uses sophisticated equipment and gadget and must be done only by trained practitioner. There are virtually no side effects except for therapy technique using sophisticated gadgets. Several medical trials have also shown that color therapy is helpful in treating different ailments, which can verify its validity and efficacy.
Color therapy is generally safe provided that you receive treatment from qualified or trained practitioner. Caution is advised with regards to using too much of one color. Red, in particular, can lower resistance to pain and raise blood pressure if used too much. Use of color therapy during pregnancy must also be avoided as color (specifically light, as medium to illuminate color) can affect embryonic cell development. Most therapists use silks rather than light for this purpose.
Below are some of the techniques for color therapy:
Incorporating Colors Into Your Life
Solarized Water
Color Breathing
Illumination Therapy
Chakra Therapy
Monochromatic Red Light Therapy
Incorporating Colors Into Your Life
How do we integrate colors in our life? This is a relatively simple technique of color therapy. Here are a few tips:
- Paint with colors. You can paint your house with color that suits your personality and the look or ambience that you would like to create for your home.
- Choose the colors of your surroundings with care. We can do this for the clothes we wear, home and office furnishings and decorations, car, etc. For example we often wear colors that reflects our moods. However, the color that we wear can alter the way we feel. Example, to counteract depression, lack of self confidence or low self esteem, wear something bright. Likewise, you can paint your house with calming colors to suppress irritability and stress.
Solarized Water
Also referred to as Rainbow Healing, because it uses the concept of how rainbow is formed to be able to use color. This is a rather simple and cheap way in color application. Water, when exposed to sunlight in a colored container for at least an hour becomes irradiated and absorbs some of the energy of that particular color. This what we call Solarized Water. Special colored containers can be bought, but we can use transparent containers covered with colored cellophane as an alternative. Drink this water at regular intervals throughout the day. Remember that solarised should be sipped.
Solarized Water can be stored for few days, but it is preferred if it is fresh. Blue solarised water can be kept safely for ten days. But red, yellow and orange solarized water should be changed every two days.
Color Breathing
Color Beathing is a form of visualization. You imagine yourself inhaling and exhaling colors. It is done before going to sleep, or when you wake up in the morning.
- Find somewhere where you can comfortably sit or lie down and relax.
- Keep your breathing deep, rhythmic and calm.
- Continue this breathing for 12 -18 minutes. Imagine yourself being engulfed by a white light that enters through the head down to the extremities and floods the entire organism from within and from without. Keep this image for 2 mins.
- Next, imagine yourself surrounded by intense light of the color that you choose, be aware of the healing properties of this color.
Red, yellow or orange, whichever one is used, is imagined coming from the earth through the soles of the feet up to the various organs of the body. Visualization for the red part of the spectrum is done for 2 minutes.
Blue, violet or indigo is imagined coming down for the atmosphere as vertical rays through the anterior fontanel down to the various organs. Visualization for the blue part of the spectrum is done for 3-4 minutes.
Green is visualized entering through the navel on a horizontal plane. Visualization is done in 2 manners at 1 minute each. First, imagine visualizing green moving in a waving motion from the umbilical cord up then from umbilical cord down. - As you breathe in, imagine that you are inhaling the color that you choose, and follow it as it spreads from your lungs to your solar plexus and then throughout your body
- As you breathe out, imagine that you are exhaling the complementary color. Example if you choose red, breathe in red, when you exhale its green. Refer to the color wheel if you are unsure.
- Mentally bathe the body and allow the entire body to be engulfed in a white light for 2 minutes.
Aura-Soma remedies are collection of small bottles, each containing a layer of colored essential oil on top of a layer of colored spring water containing herbal extracts. Most contain two colors, and there are about 90 combinatios in all.
You will be asked to pick out 4 bottles that most appeal to you, and then splash the mixtures onto your skin every day. You continue to do it as long as the therapy appears to be working good for you, no set length of time for treatment.
Illumination Therapy
This is a computer-controlled color therapy using a machine which directs colored light at the patient as he/she lies in a dark room. The main treatment color is alternated with its complimentary color and each dose is precisely timed.
Chakra Therapy
There are seven chakras in our body which control our emotions and mental attitudes. Each chakra is represented by a particular color. The first step in color healing through the chakra is to determine which chakra is out of balance. Once this is determined, we can then take measures to correct them.
Colors can be used to balance and strengthen the chakras on a daily basis. One way of doing this is through color breathing. One of the easiest ways of accomplishing is using simple colored swatches of fabrics. Felt or other cloth squares can be found in all the colors of the rainbow. They can be used to balance the seven chakras.
Monochromatic Red Light Therapy
This involves red light to stimulate acupoints to treat various illnesses. Monochromatic red light therapy is used to treat a range of problems including shoulder pain, endocrine problems, dysmenorrhea, diabetes, depression, impotence and frigidity. It is also useful for headaches, arthritis and wound healing. Treatment is repeated 2-3 times a day for a week, then twice a day for week and finally once a day for another week. There are virtually no side effects to this treatment and it can be done at home.
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